Defense electronics

The Company offers Design, Production, Testing and Implementation services for the Defense Electronics sector.

A.Abete is able to:

  • Design (Mechanical Design, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Layouts, Structural Analysis, Fluid Dynamics, Thermals, etc);
  • Produce & Assemble (with any type of Technology and Material);
  • Test (Functional, Structural Tests, Shaking, etc);
  • Design and manufacture Control Units and various Electromechanical Products in the Defense Sector, with related Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic integrations with Manuals and Certifications;

With the experience gained in the sector, the Company is able, together with its Partners, to assist Customers in any complex Project, from the preliminary Study phases to the final Production, providing complete products from design to production if required.

Control Unit Design and Production

The company has the necessary know-how to independently develop and support the customer in the mechanical design of Control Units and in their production, starting from feasibility studies and the choice of materials.

Mechanical Integrations on Control Unit

Studiamo, progettiamo e produciamo tutte le interfacce meccaniche di integrazione alle Control Unit ed eseguiamo assemblaggio e test tra i vari componenti.

Electrical Layout Design

We develop the optimal layout path for cables and harnesses, choose the appropriate connectors, support the customer in choosing suppliers for the production of cables, harnesses, boards and electrical modules.

Assemblaggio e Integrazione Impiantistica

We assemble mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, looking for solutions that are able to optimize the whole, qualifying it and guaranteeing all the requirements requested by the customer.

Progettazione e produzione Tools, Jig, Attrezzature di Test

Progettiamo e realizziamo strutture di trasporto e sollevamento (JIG), attrezzature atte a effettuare test statici e dinamici su struttura di prodotto (test vibrazionali, test di tenuta, ecc).